SEE BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS AFTER THE ESSENTIAL HIGHER HEART HEALING allowing you to arise to the Higher Dimensions Easily
It’s all about Peoples Energy & what they are ATTRACTING in their LIFE from the Law of Attraction. Yes, the worlds been a very low vibrational place & we’ve all been taught to hold in our feelings & pains, Well they dont just disappear, they accumulate & compound inside the body & the Law of Attraction then brings you more & more pain, hardship, sickness disease, stress, mental health etc.
In my 35 or more years of experience Healing, I have found people are around 80-90% Heart Energy Blocked & most Healers & Spirituals still have 60-70% Heart Blocks. Are you feeling it & had enough negativity attracting in your life?
Have you had enough? Are You Ready …
for the Clearing & then positive Re-alignment?wishin & then You ATTRACTING Positive?
I’ve been gifted with the Essential Higher Heart Healing that the whole world is needing to be able to arise & ascend to the Higher Dimensions, the New Earth 🌍 ❤️
One session is life changing & will get you down to around 20% level & during the session you immediately change & the Law of Attraction starts working with you positively.
You look & feel illuminous & can’t stop smiling, you are taller, standing profoundly straighter with your emotional baggage & blockages released & glowing now in your new halo…
It’s a Profound Shift, see Before & After photos above & notice the illuminous difference, back to your illuminous Light Being state.
I feel this session gives you the spiritual mark on the Forehead & Heart of the 144,000.
If your ready to Arise & Ascend, to have you special Essential Higher Heart Healing
Get Yourself UPLIFTED to the Highest Timeline out of the lower dimension old matrix ASAP
Perfect Time going into the Heart & Abundance 2024 Year 💜👍
Love & Light
Debra M Bright 💜
aka AbracaDEBRAH – off TV
World Energy & Emotional Healer / Spiritual Awakener