✨ AbracaDEBRAH off Psychic TV, 7yrs
✨ World Energy & Emotional Healer
✨ Awakener, Speaker, Teacher, Author
✨ 3 x Nominated Australian of Year, for successes healing, saving & changing lives
✨ Regular Exhibitor, Speaker, Teacher at Mind, Body, Spirit, Health & Harmony, Conscious Living Expos, Aust
✨ World Summits including Bigger, Better, Best Life & Podcasts – Ascension Heart Healing the Whole World is Needing ASAP
✨ Galactic Federation regular visitor
✨ Guided by Jesus, Mother Mary & Master Kathumi
✨ Aquarian for Age of Aquarius
✨ An Enetgy Grid Line Activator & one of the Facilitators of the 21/12/2021 Timeline split with the Aust Aboriginals
✨ 1 of 12 5D High Priestess of Atlantis on Earth right Now