About Debra Bright – Your Guide to Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening


Debra Bright aka AbracaDEBRA specializes in helping others to attain Great Health, Happiness & Wellbeing.

It works on clients’ physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. By working on the whole body the Centre obtains great successes and powerful results in all areas of illness or disease.

Debra offers Body Attunements, Kinergetics, Animal Attunements, Massage – Swedish, Relaxation, Accupressure, Reiki, Chakra Clearings, Past Life Regressions, House Clearings, Muscle Testing Procedures, Personal Vibrational Remedies, Personal Herbal Mixes (Aust Bushflower and Egyptian), Detox, Personal Aligned Shopping, Aligned Spiritual Advice/Support, Workshops and Meditations. It also provides a service which you can have from a distance – Remote Sessions, which are very powerful and provide excellent and amazingly successful healing results.

Various fabulous products are also available in the Shop.

Where is Debra?

Debra M Bright will not be attending the Expos this year but she will be touring  Australia, she will be making  dates very soon, stay tuned or specifically express your interest if you’d like her to come to your area, town, for your group, let her know at [email protected]

Workshops will be happening after each Festival – go to the workshop page to book yourself in and learn to be like Debra & do what she does – powerful Body Attunement Session

All Dates to be confirmed, north for Winter, south for Summer

SydneyWollongongBatsman Bay
CanberraCentral CoastNewcastle
Hunter ValleyFosterPort Macquarie
Coffs HarbourByronGold Coast
BrisbaneNoosaHervey Bay
New ZealandTasmaniaMelbourne

Read Their Own Personal Experiences

Ross Coffs NSW Aust

Great Deb, that session I had with you clearing my heartbreak yesterday, my ex rang last night & we had a huge talk about getting back together & she's flying straight up today to have a session with you too. Can I book her in for tomorrow please, do you have room? Thanks, bloody fantastic!

Sue Newy NSW Aust xox

I love your love heart clearing cd its beautiful, i felt a big shift and there is a guy from my course that wont leave me alone, and getting quite a few men wanting to be my friends in facebook all happened in a few days lol, love you

GE (from Melbourne)

Survival Self Rsteem Hi beautiful Debra!!! I just wanted to say hello and i am charka clearing everyday and the self esteen cd that i totally love i play it twice a week to clear this horrible evil crisis in my life, i love you Deb so much thankyou for saving me, love and beautiful light always big hug your good friend GE (from Melbourne) xoxo😃😀😊💕💞💖💙

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