This time is called the Quickening as time starts to speed up in the higher dimensions, you will be feeling this.
I’ve been channelled that this Ascension process will be taken in steps, to allow us, Humanity choosing to Awaken, Re-Connect to true Spiritualism & Arise to each timeline shift, time to stabilise & integrate before the next step.
It will be the Stairway to Heaven,
This is truly amazing times right now, here and in the Universe. Soooo many Souls wanted to be here for this time, but We are the lucky Chosen Ones.
If you want to stay on the planet to the 5D New Earth, Heaven on Earth, We need to go through initiation, reconnect to God Source & be body clearing & elevating & connecting to the human united family, re-awaken our spiritual knowledge, know & live by spiritual laws, use secret tools & ancient wisdom, become sovereign beings & keep above & with Mother Earth, with Clearing our Wounded Body & Soul energy blocks & above with the high vibrations or if too low will fall into chaos & leave, There will be lots of souls not making it & leaving the Earth, have you already noticed.
We need to keep our Body & Souls up above with all the energy shifts, flares, changes, transitions, with our inner guidance, intuitions, through gateways & timeline jumps,
Are you in for the Ride of your Life?
I’m here to help Show & Guide you the way…
LOVE & Light, Bright Blessings
Debra M Bright
aka AbracaDEBRAH 💜💜💜