Personal Attunement Sessions
Personal Attunement Sessions with Debra are available at Nelsons Bay in NSW. Here is what some of Debra’s Personal Attunement clients had to say:
I had Heart Flutters over many years and after my 1st session Body Attunement, no more, and feel very different, positive and happy.
I mentioned to Deb I had a Sore Back (Sciatica) for many years and hadn’t played golf in 2 years. She said, jump up on the table and 1 hour later I had NO Sore Back, yet she hadn’t hardly laid a hand on me. No manipulation or back cracking etc. I don’t know what she did but I left the pain behind in her room. I recommend it to everyone. I played golf the next week, the best in 15 years.
I walked in having a Seizure and Couldn’t Talk. I had a session and the seizure stopped and didn’t come on (usually lasts days) and I could talk again, Amazing!
I was in the Vietnam War and have no more Nightmares since my 1st session. I have cut my coffee intake down also from 15 per/day to 3 per/day and Can actually now drink water. Thanks Deb.
Not one Hot Flush, they were unbearable and now nothing since my 1st session. Also at that session my Heavy Chest cleared and now I am able to Breathe properly.
I got the flue and cough and completely lost my voice. Gone! Deb did a session and can you believe I spoke clearly through it. Wow good work, thanks Deb, Jo
Debra, I can’t thank you enough. I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome for most of my life. I have tried everybody for help and it’s not until I found you that I have finally had relief. Everything you have told me was spot on and you have cleared the energies that have been causing this issue. I can’t believe how quickly the symptoms disappeared after only a few sessions. I was able to go away on holidays symptom free and I ate pizza the other night and had no reaction afterwards. You are a truly gifted amazing lady. Thank you!
Also, I fell sick overseas in America on a ski trip, Really bad sore throat that was completely stopping me skiing. I called Deb, she did a session and I was outside skiing the very next day and feeling amazingly better. You astound me Debra. Thank you again. Whenever I feel ill or anything with my children, I always now call Deb, AbracaDebra Time, she always gets to the bottom of it and heals.
My son has Schizerphenia and very freaked out. He will not step out of the house or do anything on his own. I am his carer. I got him a Body Attunement and now he is himself again. We went out and had breakfast together, 1st time out in years and he was just fine.
Had a session to work on Opening my Heart and committment issues cleared, I have now finally found my soulmate. I can finally have true love.
The pain in my Ears has now gone after only 1 session.
My Lung Tumour has decreased to 10% of its size working with Debs Attunements and Foot Detox Bath, as well as conventional treatments. I feel great. Thanks a lot.
I dread to think where I would be today if I didn’t come for a Body Attunement. I was in a Depressed and horrible place and was willing to throw away my family and do myself in. Thankyou Deb for saving me.
I gave up Smoking in 3 Attunment sessions.
Deb has helped me and my daughter with our Anger issues and now are finding a lot more peace happening in our household, thankyou.
Tracy and Jess
Woke during the night with an aching left ankle, healing from an Achilles rupture. After my session, feeling fantastic and walking a lot easier.
Just don’t know how to thank you Deb for helping Stabilise me emotionally.
I screwed up, I am a mess, I am a failure. I spent 1 hour with Deb and now cheerful, lighthearted and rebuilt after my bad experiences. Thank you.
Deb has healed so much for me over 5 sessions. My Heart, my Throat, my Energy levels, Sleeping, even my calf Muscles. I am back to me, thanks Deb, All healed! Thanks.
I love Debs work. She has healed so much for me – from being abused and the patterning, right through to attuning my belief systems to being more spiritual, through to clearing my ego and my really bad neck pain.
I am a yoga teacher and facilitator. Having a Body Attunement has shifted me easily to my next higher spiritual level.
I had a terribly bad painful Neck, 1 session with Deb and it is now gone
My massive Shoulder pain has shifted humungously. Deb is an Angel, why didn’t I meet her sooner.
I have been on Antidepressants for years. Couple of sessions and I have eased myself off them totally and have also given up smoking. I am now happy and empowered.
I was in a psychiatric centre for deep depression and the feeling of wanting to hurt people. I heard of the Body Attunements and drove 8 hours to see Deb to have 2 sessions. It completely changed me and I am me again and so happy and back on track and actually successful now in my life. Thanks Deb.
When I don’t feel good, I always go to Deb. She always makes me feel better.
With help from Debs Attunement Sessions and her Detox Foot Bath, my Lung Cancer is now down to 1/10th of its size. We are all shocked. Thanks.
I was on a Self Destruct path and my life has changed to being positive and happy in 2 sessions. I am now happy finally.
Debra fixed my right Knee in just 1 session.
I was Depressed and Suicidal, working with Deb, I have now completely turned around my life and enjoying my family and friends.
Walked in a Nervous wreck, can’t sleep. After session am now so relaxed I’m going home to sleep.
Came in feeling anxiety and fear, came out feeling free, calm and able to do anything I put my mind to. I feel all pain gone! Neck, Stomach, Back and Free, 2nd Session.
I was Electrocuted 10 years ago and Debs 4 sessions have done more to help me than any other help or therapies have done in the last 10 years.
I have Insomnia and have had for a long time. 1 Attunement session and I am so peaceful and relaxed and sleeping easily.
My baby boy constantly has nightmares. 1 session and they have all disappeared.
My son is so mixed up and having trouble making a decision on what to do with his life and because he wont decide he wont do anything. A few Attunement sessions and he has now got clarity and clear vision and focus to pursue his dreams.
The Gout in my left foot was recurring and so painful. I had heaps of antibiotics, no help. Debra worked on me, now its gone and hasn’t returned and no sign at all of it returning. Thanks Deb.
Had Rashes and Itches/Allergy all over my torso. Very bad and irritating for 3 weeks. 1 Attunement and next day itch gone and redness gone down and now disappearing.
I was irregular with my Menstruation and constantly bleeding. 1 Attunement and bleeding ceased being constant and is starting to develop regularity.
Since coming to Deb, I have cut my Antidepressants in half after 2 sessions and am now happy and feeling free.
My heart was broken after a breakup with my ex partner and I kept wanting him back. I had a huge attachment to him. Body Attunements healed my heart and cleared my ties with him and made it easy to move on in my life. I met a great man soon after and am now engaged to be married. I am now so happy, thanks for your help Deb, Awesome.
Deb is a Freak, she really knows what is happening with you. She fixed my Back in 1 session. I have had it for so long, I cant believe it.
Finally I have found someone to help me. I no longer Fall Over. An Attunement balanced me and my hips are a lot better and Im now sleeping better.
For 3 weeks I suffered excruciating pain in my Back. I went to other therapies to help then Deb gave me an Attunement which relieved me. I was out again on my jetski the very next day, unbelievable.
I was always so low and depressed about everything in my life. Nothing ever went my way, life was just so hard. Sessions with Deb and a Workshop have made me feel optimistic n positive, happy and excited about life and its opportunities once again. Saved me Deb, thnx.
Ive had bad sinuses for such a long time. A Body Attunement and its now gone, no problem with it whatsoever anymore. Awesome, what relief Kim
My friend and I had a session with Deb. When she came out she looked completely different in the face, very changed and relaxed and my session released and freed me of so many heavy emotions including anger.
After my session, I couldnt smoke anymore. Jessica
The Foot Detox Bath took 2inches of the size of one of my fluidy ankles, Wow Amazing,Joan
and many, many more different issues…
Call and Book a Body Attunement to alleviate your issue.
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